The Payment Professor
Logo design for mis-sold packaged bank accounts company, The Payment Professor.
Birthday Place Cards
40 unique table place settings designed to celebrate the birthday of a very happy grandmother.
Chester Charity Beer
Festival 2013
A full campaign to promote the 25th anniversary of the festival including tickets, posters, social networking and a new website.
Canvas Amore
Website design for canvas printing company Canvas Amore, including a custom upload area for customer's artwork.
Claire & Dave
Wedding Invitations
Claire Morgan and Dave Wilcocks wanted to make an impression on their guests with some unique wedding invitations.
Chester Charity Beer
Festival 2010
A full campaign including logo, tickets, beer purchasing cards, posters, t-shirts and a 32 page programme.
Viral Man
To promote the awareness of Swine Flu, a unique campaign was designed to target students at the University of Chester.
Chester Charity Beer
Chester Charity Beer Festival is a yearly event, offering the public a three day festival of beer.
Royal Mail Stamps
Royal Mail set the challenge of designing six postage stamps that communicated the issues of energy conservation.
Oxfam Posters
Oxfam required two sets of three posters, advertising their need for volunteers and donations.