We are go
www.theworkof.co.uk is now up, running and ready for business.
The design, while very simple is aimed at showcasing my work, rather than being impressed with the website itself. Web design is not something I’m interested in, but I’ve made sure that the work is presented in a way which is easy to view and easy to navigate.
You’ll notice it’s currently snowing over there, too.
I’m really happy to finally get my site redesigned. It means I can now continue to upload any new work to it, whereas with my previous design, I was holding off on doing so. On The Work Of now, you’ll find many of my University-related projects, along with a good dose of freelance work. When I upload new work, check back here for a detailed rundown of what it took to create it.
The design, while at a finished stage will undoubtedly undergo some tweaks over the next few weeks, but for now, I’m quite happy as it is. How about you? What do you think? Leave a comment here or send me an email via the site. Thanks!